Saturday, September 30, 2006

2006 - Photos part 2

I am finally getting around to indexing all of my photos for the year and putting them into the proper folder. The biggest part is naming all of the photos and then going into GIMP to edit/crop the ones that I really like. I leave the original shots alone so that I have something to go back to if I totally mess up the new image.

The first image is Emily beside the tomato plants holding some of the Roma tomatoes. To give you an idea of scale she stands 130 cm (4 foot 3) in height. She is also holding about 6 tomatoes.

The next shot is me holding some of the tomatoes. The plant is now slowing down in its production. Since August I have been harvesting at a minimum of one dozen tomatoes per day. There are still a large number of green tomatoes that are on the plant (picture 3).

Green Roma tomatoes

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