Sunday, September 10, 2006

2006 - Garden Layout

The 2006 planting year is now almost over now that it is in September. We should still get about two more months in our yard before there is a killer frost. I have started cleaning out some of the planters that I won't be keeping next year and a few of the annuals.

The garden layout is on the right hand side. Pots 8, 9, 10 and 11B were cut out and will be replanted next year with something new. They were much less than spectacular and didn't do well in the pots this year. Pots 21 and 23 were annuals and I removed them. Pot 14 was never planted as the space was needed for the tomatoes. More on the contents of these pots will be written up along with our observations on how they did and their proper names (when known).

This year I will try to remember to convert all measurements into metric. For those of you who are not familiar 2.54 cm = 1 inch.

Plantings by pot:

Pot 1 and 3 - Not really pots. We planted snapdragons on the ground around the north, east and south side ground. The soil itself is a mix of broken brick, crushed limestone and clay.

Pot 2 - Rosemary and Lemon basil. 61cm round pot.

Pot 4 & 18 - Dahlia. 15cm x 50cm planter.

Pot 5 - Astoria. 30cm round pot.

Pot 6 - Winter Savory. 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 7 - Sedum Spectabile. 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 8 - Achilea (Summer Pastels). 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 9 - Physostegia Virginiana (Rosecrown). 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 10 - Ratibida Columnifera (Yellow Mexican Hat). 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 11 - Four O'Clocks. 23cm round pot.

Pot 11B - Helenium (Rotgold). 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 12 - Red, Green, and Yellow sweet peppers. 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 13 - Roma Tomatoes. 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 14 - empty. 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 15 - Carrots. 15cm x 50cm planter.

Pot 16 - Yellow beans. 15cm x 50cm planter.

Pot 17 - Green Onions. 15cm x 50cm planter.

Pot 19 - Carrots. 15cm x 50cm planter. Planted in late August.

Pot 20, 22, 24 & 25 - Geraniums (Rocky mountain Red, White and coral). 15cm x 50cm planters.

Pot 21 & 23 - Salvia (Victoria Blue). 15cm x 50cm planters.

Pot 26 - Tomatoe. 61cm x 61cm planter.

Pot 27 - Astoria. 30cm round.

Pot 28 & 29 - Double Petunias. 39cm rounder planters.

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