Saturday, July 02, 2011

Dill and bugs again.

This year we decided to try planting dill again.  For a while it looked good, but, one day I noticed that the plant didn't look very healthy. When I had a closer look we could see about 6 green and black caterpillars having a great time chowing down on the plant.  We manually picked them off and then dusted around the plant diatomaceous earth.  That seems to have worked as for a week now we have not seen any more bugs and the plant now looks very healthy and starting to seed.  We like the plant as when it gets a bit wet we can smell dill in our living room.

The cherry tomato plant is doing very well and we have a good number of green tomatoes growing and a larger number of blossoms.  Hopefully in a week or two we will be getting fresh tomatoes every day.  The Savoury and Thyme are also doing very well and I will be doing a harvest of fresh herbs and drying them for the winter.


Cherry Tomato plan

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