- Geraniums on the top of the fence. Nice colour and greenery.
- Sedums in the boxes. If they survive winter they make nice green cover and in the autumn nice pinkish coloured flowers.
- Rosemary if it survives the winter here in the house. Right now it looks a bit stressed due to the dry air, but, I hope it survives.
- Sage, savoury, thyme, basil, oregano. Basic spices for when I cook. They are also easy to dry and bottle.
- Sweet peppers. They did quite well the past season in a 2x2 box as long as they got a good watering every day. Peat moss mixed in with the standard potting soil helped retain water.
- Snapdragons. The wife loves the colours and they last fairly long. This time though I will mix in peat moss as the boxes did trend to dry out as they were in the sun all day long.
- Impatiens for part of the fence line that is shaded most of the day.
For the remaining planters we may put in a tomato plant (hopefully this year they don't rot out). I have to do research to see if Brussel sprouts, brocolli and cauliflower can be planted in 2x2 boxes. I would like to see if this is possible as the price of fresh vegetables this year is a bit insane and growing some fresh vegetables would be nice.
The remaining boxes (about six) will be for the wife and I suspect she will want something very colorful and long blooming so she has a nice oasis in the back yard.
One last thing I want to research is a watering system. I see Lee Valley has some items that will allow me to fill a water container and then drip irrigate my plants. This may be a real help on the hot sunny days where we can make sure our more important planters don't dry out.