For some reason the garden didn't turn out very well this year. For a while it was cold and wet and for a very short period it was very hot. As a result most of the garden didn't grow or died back. The only things that grew well were dill and even that was the crop from last year that self seeded as the dill I bought died. The cherry tomatoes and rosemary did very well this year.
When I get some of the photos of the garden uploaded (for some reason Google won't allow inserting of pictures right now) I will put up a few new shots.
Next up for this year is clearing out the annuals and then moving the perennials to where I will store them for the winter and then cover them up until next spring. This isn't a hard task as I use empty planters to put over the perennials and then put a large tarp over the whole thing and then stake the edges of the tarp to the ground. During the winter I put at least 1 meter of snow over the whole thing and that seems to work very well.